On-Demand Videos
Understanding Race based Trauma
Sorry everyone. This is not a nice pre-recorded video. This is from my heart. My heart hurts and so does my body. Have you heard of race based stress and trauma? Well it's real and I want to share some things to be mindful of during these difficult times.
Stretches for Tension in the Body Stretches for Tension in the Body
Did you know that most of us hold tension in certain parts of our bodies? Try this 5-point stretch for tension in feet and hands and let me know how you feel.
Why I Stopped Practicing Yoga
I have a confession about my wellness journey. Although I started practicing yoga in 2008 soon after I stopped and here's why.
What is Faith & Flow Yoga?
Here is a question that comes up quite often for me, how is Faith & Flow yoga different from other types of yoga? Yes, type of yoga experience that I offer is called Faith & Flow yoga. As a Christian I believe that breath, movement, stillness, and connection are very important and can draw us closer to God. I totally understand the controversy around this topic so please hear me out and consider trying one of my Faith & Flow yoga videos. Then pray, fast and discern if Faith & Flow yoga is something that you want to practice. If not, I totally respect your decision and I pray that you will respect mine.
Why Can't You Trust God?
Do you find it difficult to trust God? If so, you're not alone. I meet many people who want to establish a Christian meditation practice and they say things like, Sherrell it's so hard for me to meditate but so easy for others and I don't understand why. Well it's about letting go. So I have a question for you, Why can't you let go and trust God during meditation? Check out my tips in the video and consider meditating on these scriptures: Proverbs 19:21 and Matthew 6:9-13
Am I Really Meditating?
Do you know if you're really meditating when you sit for practice? This is a common question and I had the same question when I started. The meditation experience can be different for everyone but here are three considerations to ponder when you ask the question, how do I know I'm meditating correctly?
For more videos please go to my Youtube channel.