What is Mental Health? Let's Bust 3 Myths

August 15, 2020

Photo by Marquise Kamanke on Unsplash

As a mental health advocate, I'm elated to share valuable information all month long on my YouTube channel as it relates to mental health.  

But there’s still work to be done due to mental health disparities.  Let’s take a look at the data provided by Mental Health America’s BIPOC Mental Health Statistics:


·       Number of African Americans with Mental Illness:  6.8 million

·       Number of Latinx/Hispanic Americans with Mental Illness:  8.9 million

·       Number of Asian Americans with Mental Illness:  2.2 million

·       Number of Native Americans/Alaskan Natives with Mental Illness:  800K

Unlike any other time in history we are breaking the stigma around mental health and discussing it publicly. July is Minority Mental Health Awareness month with a focus on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous People of Color). As a Christian mental health advocate, it can be very difficult to talk about mental health issues due to the stigma. But we must talk about it because mental health affects all of us as a community.  The veil of shame has been torn and many people are now seeking treatment after suffering in silence for so long.

What is Mental Health?

So what is mental health, really?  According to the World Health Organization mental well-being as a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.  Good mental health is related to mental and psychological well-being. Improving the mental health of individuals and society at large includes the promotion of mental well-being, the prevention of mental disorders, the protection of human rights and the care of people affected by mental disorders.

With that comprehensive definition, we're able to see that mental health is not one dimensional.  The more we learn about mental health, even if we learn a new definition, the better equipped we are to offer help that aids in healing versus hurting. 

Mental Health

Even with this comprehensive definition, there are still mental health myths that need to be busted.  I bust three of them in this video - watch now!

Mental Health Test

Check out this Mental Health test:  Mental Health Screening Tools offered by Mental Health of America (MHA).

Stay tuned for more articles on mental health, and if you are interested in joining our meditation challenge click HERE

For additional articles on mental health, check out our other blog posts here.

 Photo by Marquise Kamanke on Unsplash

Our Meditate with God blog has been selected as one of the Top 20 Christian Health & Fitness Blogs on the web.

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